Saturday 17 November 2012

Wales in Pictures

Finally catching up on blog posts.  We went to Wales at the end of September while Drew's parents were here and had a great time.  Northern Wales is like fairy-tale land--absolutely beautiful scenery.  The people were friendly, and we loved hearing them speak Welsh.  We stayed in Porthmadog, right by the beach.  The coast is spectacular there--beach surrounded by mountains and jagged rocks.  With only two days to spend there, we didn't see as much as we would've liked, but we did go on a train ride through the countryside, and that was a wonderful way to enjoy the natural beauty of the area. 

When our GPS led us astray in a small town near Porthmadog, we turned around in a small driveway, only to discover we happened to be at the house where Lawrence of Arabia was born.  What are the odds?!?

Lawrence of Arabia's childhood home

Local church

Walking the beach at dusk.

The coastline

Drew's ancestors migrated down to Wales from Scotland long ago, and it was truly special to visit both countries this year and see where the Morgans came from many, many years ago.  Both places are abundant in God's natural masterpieces--mountains, greenery, waterfalls, lakes, and rivers.  I am constantly in awe of the places we are able to visit over here, and the blessings we have been given.  This opportunity to travel is something I will never take for granted!  Next up, when I get around to it, is our weekend trip to Brugge, Belgium...